Newbs: Recovery and what it means for you.

doug piston

Premium Member
Premium Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
I've seen quite a few threads here about phones stuck on a black screen, white screen or the HTC screen. In most cases a simple battery pull and reboot fixes this, if not, this where a recovery comes in very handy. If you flash a rom and the phone then fails to boot, it could be a number different reasons for it, bad download or the creator of the rom broke something. This where you would boot into recovery and do a simple nandroid restore. It is nearly impossible to brick a phone these days. It takes a whole lot more then flashing a rom to brick a phone.

So cliff notes:
If phone will not boot up
1. Don't panic
2. Reboot into recovery
3. Do a nandroid restore
4. Enjoy working phone.

This will fix about 99% of all issues with a phone not booting again. If this does not fix it, you are probably trying something else and doing way more then loading up a rom, and feel free to ask for help.

The easiest way to have a always working nandroid restore on your phone is to do a simple back before you flash anything new. This will make sure you always have a working rom with all your SMS, MMS and personal phone settings saved.

I hope this helps a few you out. If not i just killed 10 mins out of a boring day, so I see it as a win, win.
would you say that boot takes longer than usual immediately after a fresh nandroid backup? cause i tried to stop the ota update with a few adb shell commands, and when i rebooted i got stuck in a boot loop. so i booted into recovery and restored from a nand backup, and the phone was stuck in the verizon part of the boot up for several minutes, and i started to freak out, but then it worked :) lol
oh and one more question, if i decide to flash a custom rom, i know its necessary to wipe the phone first, but then how am i supposed to get everything back on? can i install from titanium and launcher pro backups? or do i need to redo it all manually. and does ti backup save app settings as well? or do those need to be re done too
There is no way to get it back. That is the down fall of flashing new roms, everething must be deleted
then what do you do when the rom is updated? can i just copy backups to my desktop then put them back on after rom is installed? do you need to wipe sd card as well? maybe i could save all the stuff to sd card?
When a real consistent rom comes out, as long as you stay on the rom you dont really have to wipe. But moving from a rom to a different one you must wipe.
can the Incredible be restored to the factory settings if needed?

My concern is what if I need to restore my phone back to the way it was when I first got from Verizon? Is that a possibility?

would you say that boot takes longer than usual immediately after a fresh nandroid backup? cause i tried to stop the ota update with a few adb shell commands, and when i rebooted i got stuck in a boot loop. so i booted into recovery and restored from a nand backup, and the phone was stuck in the verizon part of the boot up for several minutes, and i started to freak out, but then it worked :) lol

I think he is more talking about the very very first screen not the boot animation. For example I got stuck at the very very first screen today after going from rooted 2.1 to skyraider 1.9 and then doing a full restore from titanium backup which was proably a bad idea. After that I the phone would not boot at all never even got to the boot animation. So I simply held down the trackball button and then booted into recovery and nadroid restored my 2.1 rooted backup
Newb question

So I did some looking around, and can not seem to fine what I am looking for. I am very new to ROMs and such. I am using Sky Raider Beta 1.9 and i flashed a boot animation along with it (after doing all the upgrading to 1.9) but i found a new animation I want to use, but it will not take when i install from the zip. I also picked up ROM Manager but i managed to mess up my phone messing with it (luckily I know how to read and did a backup first)

Long story short... I have a custom boot animation, but want to change it for another.