No Words!?


New Member
Feb 2, 2011
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So I downloaded Liberty v1.5 last night, no problems, rebooted bootstrap, installed zip, no problem, got everything set up (icon-wise), then figured I'd try to dl a new theme from Liberty Toolbox. Clicked the Mysterious Beast theme, started downloading, then realized I wasn't up to v. 1.1 Toolbox. I backed out of the Toolbox to update it from Market, went back into Toolbox 1.1, decided I'd wait on themes (cause I'm impatient that way), and went to dl the Gingerbread keyboard. Headed for bed, then my phone turned off and rebooted by itself, and left me with this:
Upon reboot, a yellow bar appears in the middle of the screen (looks like a butter bar) after the M (where the Liberty eagle was at on 1.0). Then everything loads up as normal, with the exception of a small detail. There are no words. Anywhere. Icons are fine, windows and alerts still pop up, but they are empty. Yelp!

Could someone possibly post screenshots of Liberty Toolbox walking me through the pages to the reboot options? I can still see the buttons, but there are not words on them so I don't know which ones to press to get me to reboot bootstrap..

Thanks all.
Didn't you have the dx bootstrapper app to begin with? Otherwise how did you reboot into recovery to install liberty?

If you have it just use that to reboot into recovery, top button bootstraps, bottom one reboots.

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