OG Droid (3G) to TB (LTE) will I get a stronger signal?


Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
In my office at work..I'm pretty much at the center of the building.
I have terrible reception with my Droid. My phone will sometimes jump from 3 bars to 0 just by moving it a few inches. ATT has great reception here (strangely enough..)

If I were to pick up an LTE phone in general (the TB or whatever comes out next), should I expect to see a stronger signal for data and voice?

This issue has had me on the verge of leaving Verizon for a while now...
4G has nothing to do with voice.

And you'll get a good 4G signal for data, if, well, there is good service there. Which no one would be able to tell you.
The of Droid is a cdma phone were as cdma allows for better coverage it has terrible reception indoors it is my understanding that LTE is GSM however I'm not sure but if it is you should see better reception indoors assuming it is offered in your area. In general cdma has the worst indoor reception.

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4G has nothing to do with voice.

And you'll get a good 4G signal for data, if, well, there is good service there. Which no one would be able to tell you.

Yeah good point I do believe the thunderbolt uses 3g for voice

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I had the same bad reception at home with the original Droid. With the thunderbolt I have no problems with calls or data. There were some places at home that all calls would drop and with the thunderbolt I have absolutely no dropped calls at all. With 4G data speeds range widely, anywhere from 4 to 15 Meg per second. I don't know if you would experience the same but I'm as happy as can be with mine.

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I'm sorry I should have given more detail...
I called Verizon and they said I am smack in the middle of multiple 3G towers....I should have amazing reception. (and I do...when I'm OUTSIDE! :) )

So the walls are definitely killing my 3G and voice reception.

According to the 4G map, I am potentially in a strong 4G area also.....

So now that you know about my 3G-stopping-walls...do you think I should expect more of the same in respect to 4G?
I don't think the problem is with the 3G or 4G, I think it has to do with how good of radio is in each phone. I know at my house back many years ago I got the first phone that Verizon had with bluetooth in it, I don't recall the name of the phone but with that phone I had bad dead spots around the house. The next phone I got was the Motorola Razor and it worked great every place in the house, then I got the LG Voyager which put me back to dead spots in the house, then the droid which was better but I would still drop calls once in a while, in fact in the kitchen I couldn't even use the droid. Now with the thunderbolt I have reception where ever I go around the house including the kitchen. The other thing I notice with the thunderbolt is I can use the bluetooth ear piece and leave the phone in my home office and go anywhere in the house including the kitchen and have excellent reception where I had much more of a limited range on the droid. I normally would carry the droid with me around the house because I would start to loose the audio but the thunderbolt has no problem. I would try the thunderbolt if I was you, maybe talk to Verizon and make sure you wouldn't have a restocking fee and give it a try, you should have fourteen days to return it. I know from now on when I get a new phone I'm going to make sure I get as good of reception as I do with my thunderbolt or I'll return it now that I know I can get this good of reception all over the house. Good luck, I hope it works out for you.
Unfortunately..I can guarantee that the problem is with the the strength of the 3G / 4G network + the penetration/signal blocking of the walls.

I work in the IT department at my firm and one of my responsibilities is to configure our email system on the employees' phones.

I've compared the Blackberries, Droid 1, Droid 2, DInc, DX, DAlly, iphone--Tmobile, ATT and VZW....

All of the VZW phones have poor reception in the building. All of the AT&T phones have great reception. Tmobile is about the same as VZW. And strangely enough, no one I know has a Sprint phone...go figure.
Lte should give better reception indoors then 3g but calls are still over 3g so likely no changes on that.

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Lte should give better reception indoors then 3g but calls are still over 3g so likely no changes on that.

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This is correct. LTE is supposed to have better penetration indoors but currently Verizons 4G network is data only. While 3g is both voice and data.

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I am pretty sure the reason LTE coverage would be better is b/c the lower frequency (700mhz) and depending your area verizon's 3G signal "could" be running on a much higher frequency which would be the reason you have good signal outside and bad inside.. in my area AT&T has worse indoor coverage because they use the 1900mhz PCS band for their network.. and around here verizon is on a lower frequency band (i think 800 or 850mhz) thus giving them better indoor coverage where proximity to towers is similar..
Im not sure about the 4G reception maybe its better.

I came from the original Droid also and it had much better voice reception than the thunderbolt does.

I've found this to be true of most Motorola's versus other phones