OTA Horror Story! Be aware!


Oct 17, 2010
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Today i received an OTA on my rooted 2.3.3 Inc2 that downloaded without my approval, and froze my phone at the triangle-android screen. I pulled the battery, rebooted and the phone would attempt to re-install the update after about a minute. Needless to say I was screwed and ended up pulling the plug and unrooted the phone and lost the majority of my data. The guide I used to unroot the phone and bring it back to it's factory gingerbread state was found on android central. I just wanted to give everybody a quick heads-up because I couldn't stop this one, it just did it without my input.

The thing I found interesting is the fact that I had used Titanium backup to freeze "updater2.3.apk" so I was allegedly unable to receive OTAs. This tells me that either freezing apps doesn't do squat or verizon has the ability to re-install the OTA updater app on your phone should you do something with it. I don't know about you, but I am not a fan of the new OTA's that just pop up and download without warning.

I just wanted to share this, in case it happened to someone else.
You need to rename /system/etc/security/otacerts.zip to something like otacerts.zip.old.
Also one may be able to get into recovery by holding power and volume down button and selecting recovery. From recovery wipe data and cache and restore a backup instead of going through the process of unrooting. Then rename the otacerts file.

Sent from my Incredible 2
When I first rooted I should have installed a custom recovery, something that would have blocked the updates. The annoying thing is I actually wanted the radio that came in the update, but with root as well. Hopefully someday the phones will allow OTA updates that allow a person to maintain root.
Actually when I got the OTA that shut the phone down without me checking for the update, I had already flashed the new radio. I was running 2.3.3 with the 2.3.4 radio, but then the crippling OTA came in and ruined me.