Picture tags only for internal memory?


Jan 10, 2010
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Hey guys, I can't seem to find any info on this one. I found a neat feature by accident the other day when I hit search in my gallery (the stock app). It shows all these tags that let you find pics. Great idea. Being a dog owner I have tons of pics of my dogs and wanted to tag them so I could sort through easily. So I opened a picture, click the option button, then choose more info, then edit. I find a picture of my dog that just passed and give it a new tag, Spartacus. Do this a few more times, no problem.

I open the gallery app again, hit the search button, tap my new tag Spartacus, and the only pictures that show up are the ones in internal memory, not the ones on the SD card. I verified the tag is still on the pics on the SD card, tried rebooting, nothing. Anyone else able to replicate this? I thought maybe it was due to the new security on SD cards, but it's just a sort option. It let me add the tag no problem.

Any suggestions?
Whoops, totally forgot to try clearing the cache and data. That did the trick!
Just a quick update for everyone. I was still having an issue with the tags. They would work but as soon as I closed then reopened the gallery app, only pics on the internal memory would show up. I would have to clear the data every time! So I cleared the data, then without opening the gallery app, restarted the phone. Working perfectly now.
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