Punctuation being Auto-Corrected?

Exactly! lol I use quotes a lot and it trips me up having to manually delete the quote to move it in it's proper place.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
I think I know the reason that it does this.

The Droid is set up expecting us to use the auto-complete feature. When you select a word that way, it automatically puts a space after the word. If you want to end a sentence, it would normally look like this; "end of sentence ." with the space before the period. To "fix" that issue, it is set up to automatically remove that space before inserting the punctuation.

Not a problem if you use auto-complete. Royal pain if you do not type that way. It would sure be nice if they gave us a way to turn off that feature, or at least recognize that we MANUALLY pressed the space button and want that space to be there.
This is the only issue I've had with my D2. If they ever fix it, it'd be a perfect phone, in my opinion.
If anyone from motorola actually owns a Droid 2, then this issue would be obvious and should be fixed eventually.

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If anyone from motorola actually owns a Droid 2, then this issue would be obvious and should be fixed eventually.

It's not an issue, it's a "feature". It just happens to be a feature that many Droid users do not want. I'm sure that nobody with with a phone lacking a physical keyboard even notices this.

I'm kind of surprised that (as far as I know) there isn't an app to disable this feature.
FYI - this happens with ALL punctuation and whether you use the keyboard or the screen and even if you auto complete your words. this literally makes ZERO sense, especially since the only punctuation you would want to follow a word without a space is a comma or end of sentence punctuation (possibly @ if it's used in an email address). Google/Android needs to be able to only have this feature for those punctuation and not the rest. either way, if the user types a space, there needs to be a friggin space!!! Unreal. Google, get it together.
On mine after I hit $ or whatever ill tap the screen. Now it wont move it.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums App
i have this issue on my D2 and it is aggravating. a co-worker just bought a new D2 and his does not do this.
Great! How does one get a new O/S (I assume this is the issue). I thought this should auto download/update.

Both I and a family member had this same issue; I fixed it somehow a long time ago, and as I was playing around with the other phone recently I discovered this fixed the issue permanently:

Settings > Language and Keyboard > Multi-touch Keyboard > Under "Device keyboard" section uncheck Auto-correct errors

After this option was unchecked, I went back to the text messaging app and punctuation such as quote and dollar signs no longer removed spaces. I looked back in settings and the option was checked again! From then on the box remembers its value. This is clearly a glitch, but whatever the cause, it fixed the problem permanently. Good luck!