Qualcomm Unveils X16 and X50 Modems for 5G


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Oct 6, 2011
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Verizon just started heavily advertising their "Advanced LTE" network enhancement which could essentially double the speeds for many 4G LTE customers. There is an even faster network than this on the horizon, and Qualcomm is looking to be the provider of the modems for the 5th generation cellular network. They just announced their X16 and X50 modems. These modems will bring Gigabit download speeds to your smartphone. They use multiple antennas bonding 100Mbps connections to make up a 1Gbps connection. The X16 will also be capable of upload speeds of up to 150Mbps. The X50 Modem will be capable of 5Gbps download speeds. Qualcomm is hoping that the increases of speed we will see with the 5G network will give us the ability to change the way we use the internet. This will enable us to download apps instantly, stream 4K content on the go, offsite storage that feels as fast as local, and stream virtual reality.

via XDA
"Qualcomm is hoping that the increases of speed we will see with the 5G network will give us the ability to change the way we use the internet."

More like how the carriers will rape us for data caps and overages.