Quick wifi/3g question


Jun 27, 2011
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I know that when I have 3g and wifi on at the same time the 3g icon in the status bar disappears. Does that also mean that 3g is like inactive or something of that sort? I mostly run on wifi, so I keep 3g off to save battery. But that makes it a hassle to send and receive media.

Basically what im asking is when they're both on is 3g basically off until needed for a mms message?


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When you have 3G and Wifi on concurrently, the wifi actually takes place of your 3G connection. That is why the 3G connection symbol does not appear. Believe it or not, using wifi is a battery saver. That being said i suggest you use wifi connection rather than the standard 3G connection anytime it is available to you. Alot of times, but not all the time, in order for you to send and/or receive multimedia messages, you will in fact have to have just the 3G connection on rather than wifi. Im not exactly sure why that is, it has something to do with Android because its like this on all Android phones that i know of(correct me if i am wrong). Hope that answers your question.
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Reason = can't read and made a stupid comment.

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Ok wow he said his 3g icon disappears and you. Say that is does not? Try testing your theory on your phone and you will find sir you are WRONG! When both the wifi and 3G are on at the same time the icon does in FACT disappear! Jesh! Do people even read or understand what they read before they post?

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He does not say the 3g and wife symbol are both visible.

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Looks like I need to go back to school and learn how to read. Lol my bad

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He does not say the 3g and wife symbol are both visible.

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can this guy not read? "wifi actually takes place of your 3G connection. That is why the 3G connection symbol does not appear" . quite obviously, i DID read the first post and i DID say why the 3g symbol was not there.
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