[R]equest - Battery Indicator


Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
Greetings esteemed themers. I was wondering if anyone would be up for making a battery indicator in the shape of an "X". I figure 10% increments could still be implemented, and it would look unique.

If it is to be bundled into a notification bar theme then black bar with blue or red X would be great!

So, anyone up for the task? :)

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Alright. I just got done looking through some files on a custom theme and I finally located the battery files. Now its time to do some testing. My only concern is I do not want to steal anyones hard work, so how could I make my own battery indicator without stealing their theme? Can I just do a install apk and it will override it? Hope this makes sense. I can make icons easily, only problem I could see me having is the actual install without overwriting someone elses work. any ideas?

I have the rubix 1.8.6 rom or whatever the new one is, running the black juice theme. If I make my own battery indicator, how would I go about getting it on my phone without stealing his work by replacing his files with mine. Or am I over thinking it?
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Okay, just did some testing. I threw together a quick battery indicator. made a .apk file. Threw it on my sdcard, booted into clockwork. installed apk from sd card, restarted, got stuck in a boot loop, then it kept booting into clockwork. so i reinstalled the rubix theme and got back up and running. SO! conclusion, you cant just have the battery files it looks like. you must need all of the files to complete it? which means you have to modify someone elses work.

can anyone confirm this?
okay your probally getting tired of me HAHA. BUT!

i got it to work, I modified one of my current themes. is that the only way to do this?
Wow, to be honest I thought this idea had died...glad to see someone attempting it!