Real-World Testing Shows Android's Browser 52% Faster than iPhone's on 84% of Sites

1 second per page throughout a 2 year plan (until the next phone, which will be Android unless something better comes along) doesn't seem like much but how many pages will you open throughout 2 years. It's like saving 1-2 cents per gallon on gas. It doesn't seem like much per visit but in the long run throughout the life of your car it could turn into a huge savings. Faster is faster. Apple can't be the best at everything.

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1 second per page throughout a 2 year plan (until the next phone, which will be Android unless something better comes along) doesn't seem like much but how many pages will you open throughout 2 years. It's like saving 1-2 cents per gallon on gas.

It might not be a big deal if 3G speeds weren't already painfully slow. 5 seconds and 6 seconds are both terrible, but the extra second would be that much worse. Now 0.5 (i.e. LTE) vs. 1.5 might not be a big deal. Sure, still one second but far less noticeable when you aren't sitting there waiting on it.
Let's have a good laugh and compare Android, iPhone, and Blackberry. I predict there may be actual minutes differences in speed.

As a BB Storm user I can confirm this!

Just looking at your user name and I'll take whatever opinion you have with a huge grain of salt :icon_banana:
Just looking at your user name and I'll take whatever opinion you have with a huge grain of salt :icon_banana:

It's not opinion, its fact, unlike your assumption that two different devices would show no difference in rendering performance. Different devices have different components, different chip sets (GPU, CPU), mother board, architectures, clock speeds, memory speeds, memory sizes, cache's, etc...any of those major components even alone would account for different experiences in browsing performance. Take laptops VS desktops as an example, laptops almost never reach benchmark and real performance results of desktops because the components used are different (for a variety of reasons, power consumption, weight, heat, etc...) even if they have a chip with the same clock, memory at the same speed, even the same front side bus... desktops crush their performance by orders of magnitude on average, and often mostly by one single major difference, hard drive disk speed.

So it isn't apples to apples comparison my friend.
Well, not to mention if you have the VZW app on your phone (to check minutes, log in easily to your account, etc.) they probably know everything about your phone like whether you're rooted, running a rom, tethering, etc...