Ridiculous data usage EVERY night


New Member
Dec 20, 2010
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I just noticed today, because of a text alert from Verizon, that my wife's phone has been burning through data from 2am-5am every night since July 1. Its eerily consistent; data usage starts at 2:00 AM or 2:01 AM and ends at 5:00 AM or 5:01 AM. Even the times in-between match all too often. The amount of data hovers around 80-90 mb per night. Like I said, it started on July 1. I know that our phones just received an OTA update.

My phone doesn't show any data usage but I'm also using my WIFI connection. I'm going to turn off my WIFI tonight to see if my phone does the same thing.

Thanks for any help/information you can offer.
What are they doing at this time...... Many users have reported (including my wife) that their incredibles are doing a constant reboot from 2am - 5am, and now we can throw in a sudden surge in data during those same times (I'm assuming that you are not having a reboot issue). I just think it is all interesting!
Backup Assistant Plus?

YES! I asked my wife what she changed or added and she said nothing. I called Verizon and they said she started backup assistant plus. In the past 10 days she's burned through 750 mb of data. Backup Assistant plus backs up EVERYTHING, EVERY NIGHT. Even if the file didn't change, it backs it up again! WTF! At least I found out what's going on. Thank you for your help!
Elexwiz said:
YES! I asked my wife what she changed or added and she said nothing. I called Verizon and they said she started backup assistant plus. In the past 10 days she's burned through 750 mb of data. Backup Assistant plus backs up EVERYTHING, EVERY NIGHT. Even if the file didn't change, it backs it up again! WTF! At least I found out what's going on. Thank you for your help!
Booya. You are welcome. I knew it had to be one of the backup programs as I use the backup assistance basic that updates the contacts in those hour blocks. Knowing we all have the plus version that backups everything, it had to be that. New OTAs got that silly program.

Glad you figured it out. More reason to not use it.
Lol Verizon bloatware that they CHARGE YOU TO USE (was it past 500 mb?) and they charge you data overages, and can't be removed without hacking your phone....l.Hey US govt, how about you get involved with something important rather than wasting my tax money all the time.
Lol Verizon bloatware that they CHARGE YOU TO USE (was it past 500 mb?) and they charge you data overages, and can't be removed without hacking your phone....l.Hey US govt, how about you get involved with something important rather than wasting my tax money all the time.
fat chance... heck, look at the Lance Armstrong charges for the umpteenth time.