[ROM] Shiny Rom Android 4.4.4 KTU84P Verizon Galaxy Nexus


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Oct 6, 2011
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It seems like it was forever ago that I purchased my first Nexus device. The Google somehow talked Verizon into allowing the Galaxy Nexus onto their network. This was wonderful because devices prior to the Galaxy Nexus had bootloaders that were very difficult if not impossible to unlock. The Galaxy Nexus on the other hand was unlockable out of the box. Development for this device went crazy and there were atleast 100 custom roms to chose from. I don't remember ever owning a Verizon device that was this well received by the development community.

Google decided not long ago to end of life the Galaxy Nexus and is no longer including this device in future updates. If you wish to update your device you will have to rely on the development community. Developer "baldwinguy77" has released his build of Android 4.4.4 KTU84P to the Verizon Galaxy Nexus. This rom is basically tweaked version of pure AOSP. Features are limited and include Gapps built in, easily rootable, stock browser replaces Chrome, and Shiny restart options. Everything here works and this should be considered daily driver ready. Head to the link below for the download.

Via Rootzwiki
Oh wow, maybe I'll play around with this on my old GNex. Couldn't get the damn thing to even sell for $80 on ebay a year ago and I relisted it like 3 times xD
I might try this as this is still my phone. At least then I will know if all the things working terribly now are software related.