Root Explorer - Can't Unzip - Help?!


New Member
Mar 17, 2010
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USA (All of it)
I was screwing with a new media player, which syncs poorly. As a result, I zipped my music, so I could "start fresh." I had the music in two folders, and Astro File Mgr was giving me Hell about zipping the files (possibly the sub-folders being the issue). I moved onto Root Explorer, as it's the fail safe for doing whatever Astro won't let you do.
Root Explorer zipped both folders (appx 2GB ea.) without a hitch, albeit slowly.
One of the files extracted perfectly, subfolders and all, into /sdcard/extracted.

The second file is the bad one. The file size approximated the files put into it, so I didn't anticipate a problem. When I try to extract using Root Explorer, it gives me no errors, but instead of taking 15mins, it's done in 5 seconds, displaying "File(s) extracted to /sdcard/extracted." When I navigate to that folder, I find that only a blank folder was created.
If I try to extract using Astro File Mgr, I get "Error listing files for the zip file <filename>.zip" -- caveat, I don't know if Astro FM and Root Exp use the same zip method.

Now, long story short (too late), I'm wondering what the best tool is to look at a file zipped by Root Explorer. Can I USB to a PC and unzip in Windows? Is there a better Droid App for Unzipping? What are my options?
I have over 2GB of music, that I downloaded legally, trapped in this zip file -- and I don't wanna burn the cash doing it again.

Motorola Droid, rooted, running Cyanogenmod 6 (stable), overclocked and running strong
Mount your phone and unzip them on you pc

Sent from somewhere...
I was screwing with a new media player, which syncs poorly. As a result, I zipped my music, so I could "start fresh." I had the music in two folders, and Astro File Mgr was giving me Hell about zipping the files (possibly the sub-folders being the issue). I moved onto Root Explorer, as it's the fail safe for doing whatever Astro won't let you do.
Root Explorer zipped both folders (appx 2GB ea.) without a hitch, albeit slowly.
One of the files extracted perfectly, subfolders and all, into /sdcard/extracted.

The second file is the bad one. The file size approximated the files put into it, so I didn't anticipate a problem. When I try to extract using Root Explorer, it gives me no errors, but instead of taking 15mins, it's done in 5 seconds, displaying "File(s) extracted to /sdcard/extracted." When I navigate to that folder, I find that only a blank folder was created.
If I try to extract using Astro File Mgr, I get "Error listing files for the zip file <filename>.zip" -- caveat, I don't know if Astro FM and Root Exp use the same zip method.

Now, long story short (too late), I'm wondering what the best tool is to look at a file zipped by Root Explorer. Can I USB to a PC and unzip in Windows? Is there a better Droid App for Unzipping? What are my options?
I have over 2GB of music, that I downloaded legally, trapped in this zip file -- and I don't wanna burn the cash doing it again.

Motorola Droid, rooted, running Cyanogenmod 6 (stable), overclocked and running strong

If you're running Windows on your PC, use WinZip.
