Rumor: Motorola Prepares the Jet and Bullet as its First Tegra 3 Devices, Headed for


Jun 30, 2010
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Everyone ready for a couple of massive rumors? First off, we should probably let you know that this report has not been confirmed by a second source, something we always try to do before posting, unless of course we have photo evidence. So proceed with caution, feel free to question it, and just know that it’s information we felt needed to be passed on. And who doesn’t love 7-month long conversations about rumored devices, anyway?
Here is the deal. We’ve been tipped to two new Motorola devices under development that will be the first from Moto to run NVIDIA’s new Tegra 3 (Kal-El) quad-core processor and are currently scheduled for either a Q1 2012 unveiling or release (We’re thinking unveiling – CES 2012 anyone?).
Motorola Bullet

Bullet (obvious codename) is the non-keyboarded of the two. Will sport a 4.3″ qHD screen, Tegra 3 (Kal-El) quad-core processor, at least 1GB DDR2 RAM (possibly 1.5GB), 16GB on-board storage, NFC chip, and a redesigned sensor to provide its new 12MP camera with amazing photos. This phone will launch before the Jet.
Motorola Jet

Jet (another codename) is the keyboarded version of the two. Will sport a 4″ qHD screen, Tegra 3, 1 to 1.5GB of DDR2 RAM, 16GB on-board storage, same new 12MP camera as the Bullet, NFC chip, and a fully redesigned chicklet-style keyboard.
Crazy, right? Like I said at the beginning of the post, I was unable to confirm these with any of our other sources, so you’ve got to take them for what they are. With that said though, I do want to point out a couple of things to help this report.
First, the mention of the Tegra 3 in a phone coming in Q1 of 2012 matches up almost perfectly to what NVIDIA told us all back at MWC. They fully expect to be ready to ship their quad-core beasts in handhelds by the end of 2011 (tablets this summer).
The second thing has to do with the new camera sensor that was brought up multiple times. A new camera sensor is something that I’ve heard mentioned from some close friends, as one of the major focuses of Motorola going forward as they’ve realized their camera technology is not on-par with competitor’s phones.
And lastly, we have no idea what carriers these would even be going to. We can assume Verizon since they have such a good relationship with Motorola, but then the Atrix reminds us of how solid that bond is.
Do I truly believe that we’ll see these phones in Q1 of 2012, though? It wouldn’t surprise me, but again, 7 months in this industry is an eternity and things change so quickly that it’s hard to say for sure. These could be two phones on a drawing board somewhere and in 2 months will look 100% different with completely tweaked specs. Rumor, people.
And as always, we’ll continue digging around the interwebs and in the brains of our closest insiders to see what else we can find out.

From DroidLife

And who doesn’t love 7-month long conversations about rumored devices, anyway?

lol....exactly. Rumors.

Whats funny is ppl in rumor threads taking things as gospel and get upset when its different then originally posted.
the Bullet sounds like essentially the same specs as the Targa, but with quad core. and the Jet sounds like essentially the same specs as the D3, but with quad core (possibly the D4??). and, quad core would be the next logical step in development, and the timing would seem about right (although, i bet we wouldn't see either phone until Q2 or Q3). the rumor makes sense to me...
more locked bootloaders

I really don't see what the big deal is with people crying about locked bootloaders. My X has one, and I love running Rubix...I don't see what the big deal is. Plus with a phone as fast as these will be, how many tweaks are really going to be needed really? I mean come on. I think the main reason a lot of you guys complain about the bootloaders being locked is just "because Moto locks it"...who cares as long as I can talk, text and go online with it? I'm sure the Jet/Bullet will do all those things just fine, and super fast. Stop whining as Arnold would say!! lol

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^ you're OK with it & that's great but for those who want an open platform that Android is marketed as this is a be-all end-all on whether a set is worth purchasing.
^ you're OK with it & that's great but for those who want an open platform that Android is marketed as this is a be-all end-all on whether a set is worth purchasing.

Ok, then just buy a Nexus S then. Moto has Motoblur, HTC has is what it is man. They put their stamp on their products. We can't tell multi-billion corporations how to run their business. In the end it comes down to what phone company you like better. I like Moto, not a fan of HTC. I'll always be with Verizon, cause the majority of my friends are on it. As long as it's not Apple, how bad can it be really? lol

If I couldn't run a ROM on my X I could understand the locked bootloader argument, but I'm running custom roms on my I can overclock the kernel with Jrummys app...I just don't see how having a locked bootloader is such a problem. I'm sure we'll be running custom roms on the Jet/Bullet too. Someone always finds a way man.

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^I'm on Verizon so NS isn't currently an option.

You're not running a full *custom rom. It's themed stock with build edits.
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^I'm on Verizon so NS isn't currently an option.

You're not running a full *custom rom. It's themed stock with build edits.

True, but it works great...I really can't tell the difference between it and the ones I used to flash on my Droid 1. Actually, Rubix is so good, I really don't even have the need to flash Roms like I used to. My girlfriend is certainly happy over it, I can tell you that. I used to drive her nuts flashing a different rom every night. lol

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actually t-mobile, i believe, is releasing an dual core vanilla android soon.
lg g2 something or other....

ah, cant find it; just read about it....

guess what people will spend money on when someone offers what they want? yeah, what they want. manufacturers better get on board or get lost (if enough people stop being sheep and realize what they are buying, which may not happen).
But you know guys, as far as people being "sheep", it really pertains to iphone users mostly as far as I'm concerned...mainly because you only get one iphone...they all look alike, and do the same thing. Apple only gives you one flavor and you are supposed to like it and be happy with it. Just like a heard of sheep, they all look alike and it's hard to tell them apart. It's boring and safe.

The beauty of Android is there are many flavors(Blur, Sense, TouchWiz; Moto, HTC, LG, Samsung etc.)and you get to pick what flavor you like. Android is the Baskin Robbins of smartphones!! dancedroid
Why is it the code names are way cooler than the release name?
(aside from the Etna-Bionic, and the Droid-Sholes)