S8 issues..


Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
Not hating here, got my S8+ due for delivery tomorrow by 8 PM; Fed-Ex.

I was pretty ok with Samsung already blocking the ability to re-map the Bixby button (after all, Bixby may turn out to be alright); as for the location of the finger print scanner being directly beside the shutter, I plan to unlock the screen with iris scan anyway (just cause it's James Bondish cool); but now the RED TINT issue some users are having (and not being able to correct it in the display menu)...

I HATE RED PUSH! People aren't always sunburned. I spent countless hours in the service menu of my first HDTV trying to tone the reds down. Worked somewhat too. A better screen is why I'm ditching my 6P.

This will be a phone return for me if my phone has it and I can't adjust it out.

Sorry for the (semi) rant. :) Here's to a great new Samsung phone!!
yeah, red is my favorite color, but i don't want it always on my display. ill be returning mine if it has it and i can't get it sorted out.

and i wish mine was getting delivered tomorrow, knowing my luck like with the note 7 (got it the following tuesday) ill get it next week sometime, way to go AT&t lol.
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