Solved Samsung Galaxy Note 4, Message not sent error yet messages are being recieved


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Jul 26, 2016
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I've tried a bunch of the things other threads have said, restarting, deleting cache, deleting old messages, downloading handcent SMS, deleting Facebook, nothing seems to work.

I can even text myself, the text gets received before the app says it failed!

This is incredibly frustrating and I'd really rather not have to do a factory reset, was just wondering if I could get some help.

Thanks! I'm hoping it goes away on its own, but I doubt it will. Will update if it does though.

Edit: I have also noticed the texts I receive dont vibrate or make noise, which is also annoying.

Edit: Problem has seemed to stop... So bizarre.

Edit: Problem is back. Great. Seems like the messages are actually not sending now too.

Edit: Now its working fine again, what is going on?
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Are you in a very weak reception area? It could be the network and not your phone. If it's happening in just 1 geographic area it could be a cell gone awry or Verizon tweaking the local cell , again the network and not your phone.

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I think it was just an issue with reception, everything is fine for now. Usually I have zero issues since I'm in LA.