Samsung Galaxy S III - question regardingorganization of contacts


Nov 19, 2012
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I just upgrated to a Samsung Galaxy S III yesterday from a Droid Bionic, so I'm still getting used to it. Unfortunately I don't think the battery life is going to be much better, if any,
even though the sales person said it would. My biggest question right now is how to work with Contacts. I want to rearrange the order of the information displayed within each
contact. For instance, is there a way to list the cellphone number first, followed by other phone numbers? Right now it defaults to listing the home number first, followed by other
numbers. And some of my contacts have personal and work email addresses. I would like to be able to display a certain one on top. Once they are listed, I can't figure out how to rearrange them. Any thoughts on this?
Which I could help. All I can do is sympathize. I find ICS handling of contacts VERY confusing...