Samsung Galaxy S7 Pre-Orders Being Fulfilled by Best Buy & Shipped by Verizon


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

It looks like folks who pre-ordered the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge from Best Buy or from Verizon will soon have something to be thrilled about. Best Buy has already started fulfilling those pre-orders starting today.

On a separate note, folks who pre-ordered either device from Verizon will be happy to learn that Big Red has started shipping out those pre-orders as early as yesterday. In fact, several of the "pre-order's sent" confirmation emails suggest folks could even start receiving those devices as early as today. Be on the lookout on your front door step if you pre-ordered from Verizon or Best Buy.

Here's our dedicated section for the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge: Samsung Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge
Received my Verizon S7 preorder today from Best Buy. Wasn't completely smooth. I asked at least 10 times if my unlimited data stayed intact. I was very clear and specific. Later received a Vzw text I'm over my data. My Verizon app said I'm 515% over my monthly allowance. Drove back to Best Buy. Supposedly will be fixed in 1-2 days. Phone seems great. Used Samsung Smart switch. Now connected to the PC transferring data from S5 to S7 micro SD. Will have more time to play tomorrow.