Samsung Galaxy Z; Cheaper Alternative Baby Brother to Galaxy S II


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

A new variant of the Samsung Galaxy S II could be coming soon. It is called the Samsung Galaxy Z, is meant to be an "affordable little brother" to the Galaxy S II, and is aimed squarely at the mid-range or lower pricing crowd. It even has pretty decent specs from what we know:
  • 4.2 inch display Super Clear LCD
  • 1GHz dual-core processor (probably NVIDIA Tegra 2 as we’ve heard before)
  • Android 2.3
There is no word yet on a carrier, pricing or availability, but we will let you know when we find out more. Here are some pics of the device that make it actually look fairly appealing. I've always been a big fan of the brushed metal look. What do you guys think?


Source: via PhanDroid
Looks good. Brushed metal is nice. 4.2 inch? Thats an odd size. Hopefully it comes to Verizon.
Maybe this AND the Galaxy S II Function will come to Verizon. Galaxy Z = 3G, Galaxy S II = 4G? One can hope...
Prediction. The Samsung Function will not be out on Verizon until October and VZW will add some sort of flaw to it.