Screen Protector Dilemma


Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
Picked up a Droid 2 the other day and installed a screen protector from the Verizon store before I even used the phone.

I was getting frustrated with the touch screen washing out and poor touch accuracy.

So after reading about how durable and scratch resistant the screens were I removed the protector. The screen no longer washed out and I was clicking on the things I intended to again.

But within a few hours, 3.5 to be exact, I already have a scratch in my screen.
Make an excuse to trade it for a new one, then take it to a place that installs zaggs invisi sheild, the one for droid two will be at all locations on wed a rep told me, invisi sheild will be only one u need and does not sacrifice touch responsiveness

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
Are you absolutely sure it's a scratch? I have seen some [video=youtube;H4qJHNIiXow]"]videos[/video] where people put their screens though some pretty good abuse and it doesn't scratch.
If you haven't already try cleaning it with a soft cloth and a little non-abrasive cleaner (sprayed on the cloth, not your screen; I use the same stuff I got for my TV).
im positive its a scratch. I can feel it with my finger nail.
Damn, I would imagine that the D2 has gorilla glass just as D1 had ...
Well if it is in fact a scratch I am with the previous post - find/make something up in order to change it out.