Setting Profiles Widget


New Member
Aug 12, 2010
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I'm looking for an App that allows me to create setting profiles and then add buttons for each profile as widgets on my home screen. I've looked through lots of settings profile apps in the marketplace but I havent noticed any that provide the widget with One-touch profile switching. I don't want to have to open up an app and navigate to a profile to switch it.
You might also check out the app Tasker for this...
I use and LOVE Settings Profile. I have profiles for sleeping (all sounds off), meetings (vibrate when my calendar shows busy) and normal. You can also create profiles for when it's docked, has a headset inserted, etc.

It's not as full featured as Tasker, but that's why I uninstalled Tasker. I spent about 5-10 minutes setting up a single profile and said forget it since Settings Profile can set up anything you want in about 1 minute.

So, for my money Settings Profile is the "sleeper" app where Tasker apparently paid Gizmodo a ton of money to get articles published for the past week. :)
Anybody mess with Profiles in 3.8.1?

For a really simple audio widget that is set by time of day/day of week, I really love Audio Guru. I have awake, asleep, work, and movies/meetings profiles and it's automated by the time of day, unless I choose to change it manually.

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