Simplified ICS 6.16.217 Update Guide

Thank you for the help, I have another question now... :)

My SD card won't mount, so I cannot install Amazon apps...

Not finding anything exceptionally useful googling... I went to system settings --> storage and all the options there related to add cards are grayed out. I know it works, because I just flashed from it! I tried a reboot. I will try reseating it in a minute.
Your phone isn't still connected to the computer, is it? LOL If it is then it won't mount until you disconnect it.
Or switch to mtp mode, mass storage mode mounts the card to the pc only

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
I just installed titanium backup to see if it would be able to freeze any apps and got this message...


Followed by this one...


So I went to busy box and ran the permissions fix script, then rebooted.

I can now freeze apps in Rom toolbox... :)
TB gave me that same message, I just clicked "yes" and rebooted. Not really a problem. So what was wrong with your sd card mounting?
Here's an even more simplified guide:

Download this script:

Download the boot.img for the version you want to install, try here or search Droid 4 ROMS (??)
The 213 kernel (boot213.img) is HERE


Copy the following files from the GB 219 update to the UPDATELEAK directory where you unpacked the script.


Double click menu.bat
Select 1
Read, say Y and let it fastboot for you.
READ the last page and enter the command
Reboot phone
Reboot again and update from sdcard.

Option 2 does nothing.

This is a slightly less confusing way to update to the latest leak. If you're having trouble understanding what to do or how to get the update to work, try this method. It might work for you.
I can now freeze apps in Rom toolbox... :-)[/QUOTE said:
I had the same issue with rom toolbox. Busybox version 1.18.4 is what fixed it for me.

Sent from my DROID4
I had the same issue with rom toolbox. Busybox version 1.18.4 is what fixed it for me.

Sent from my DROID4

It's not the version of busybox that causes that issue. It's asking you if you want to correct permissions and move the su and busybox binaries to /system/bin because it found them in /system/xbin. The root tools puts them in xbin and marks them owned by user 0.0 which is supposed to be root.

Also the latest busybox for android version is 1.8.1 dated 11/14/2007. You might want to update. You can use this tool to do so:

Unpack and run "menu.bat". There is an option to check su and busybox versions and upgrade busybox to latest if you want.

FYI, The Busybox app in the market is NOT the latest version. The unofficial "official" busybox site is here: Busybox for android Since there are later versions (1.18.5 for ubuntu which is probably where your version came from) it would be easy enough to compile a newer version. The difference is that this one was compiled for and ON an android device so it will have all the correct path and library constants for android. The Ubuntu or Debian version will probably run but it might not be able to find all the tools since android and ubu/deb use different library or installation paths. (deb is usually /usr/bin ubu is usually /usr/local/bin).
Thank you for the help, I have another question now... :)

My SD card won't mount, so I cannot install Amazon apps...

Not finding anything exceptionally useful googling... I went to system settings --> storage and all the options there related to add cards are grayed out. I know it works, because I just flashed from it! I tried a reboot. I will try reseating it in a minute.
pull the sdcard out and format it in windows with the adapter. than do a factory reset. than put the sdcard back into the phone
I'm working on updating from (I think) .206, to the newest which is .217 right? But I'm confused, it says "#2 Fastboot install 219 with restore tool (erase data for best results)". I'm not sure what that means, or if it's still necessary? I think it's saying to go back an update but idk haha, it's been a while since all that happened, I should have updated when everyone else was, but didn't want any of the problems others had. Also, is there a easier way now to update to the newest thing? I'd rather take the best working/most compatible method than easiest though, cuz I know a lot of others had problems doing this. The end result I'm going for, is trying your 1.3.2 ROM.
I'm working on updating from (I think) .206, to the newest which is .217 right? But I'm confused, it says "#2 Fastboot install 219 with restore tool (erase data for best results)". I'm not sure what that means, or if it's still necessary? I think it's saying to go back an update but idk haha, it's been a while since all that happened, I should have updated when everyone else was, but didn't want any of the problems others had. Also, is there a easier way now to update to the newest thing? I'd rather take the best working/most compatible method than easiest though, cuz I know a lot of others had problems doing this. The end result I'm going for, is trying your 1.3.2 ROM.
i know it sounds weird but the 217 update zip only works with 219. not 200 or 206 or whatever... so you basicly flash 219 to brick it (due to kern mismach) than flash the kern with unstickics 217 and apply the 217 update zip..... REMEMBER TO CHARGE YOUR BATTERY B4
if you screw up you can use a sbf 217 but im not sure if it flashes the base-band or 217 kern...
the tools and phone driver are on my server
Edit: Just SBF'd to .217 and will soon be trying out your ROM.