Small Lag When Switching Screens


Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
Long Island
Loving 2.4 so just wanted to say thanks to BD and everyone else. Just 1 thing that annoys me that I had in 2.3 too. When im scrolling across my home screens I get a small lag spike for a second before it goes to the next screen. Is there an option in UD Settings or ADW that I could change that would fix this?
did you use spare parts to speed up animations?
i dont use adw for this reason, but it wasnt nearly as bad in 2.4 as it was previously for me.
Same happened to me in 2.3. hours debugging finally found that having 'scrollable widgets' enabled was causing this. try unchekcing it in the ADW launcher config.
Disabling scrollable widgets worked at first but then the same lag started again.
You do know you have a desktop scroll speed setting under the screen preferences option of the adw settings right. I have mine cranked to almost 0 as well as bounce or bound... whatever its called and my screens move fast with no lag.

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Are you using a calendar widget? I'm using android agenda widget and I notice if I have two separate calendars on separate screens that I get a lag, so I've removed one for now until I figure it out.
You do know you have a desktop scroll speed setting under the screen preferences option of the adw settings right. I have mine cranked to almost 0 as well as bounce or bound... whatever its called and my screens move fast with no lag.

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Ya I knew about them but didn't think they would have any effect on the lag. Just dropped both the settings close to 0. Gonna let it run for awhile, hopefully it fixes it. Thanks!
Yeah with the scroll speed set slower there will be a pause when you slide your finger across the screen if you slid too fast. I can slide across the screen very fast with no lag at the settings I have.

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Yeah, the scrollable widgets really isn't the issue. with more digging the fastest for my phone:
Under System Preferences:
Wallpaper hack = on
Scrolling Cache = disabled

Under Screen preferences:
Desktop scrolling speed = 0