Stable Lollipop 5.0 Rom For The Nexus 10


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Oct 6, 2011
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Once again the development community comes through before Google. If you have been waiting for a build of Lollipop to run on your Nexus 10 you won't find a factory image from Google, but you can install the newly released Lollipop Rom by developer "Kejar31". Everyone knows Kejar from his involvement in the Gummy Rom series. That series was announced to be on hiatus until the team could get together the funds to host their own servers.

Kejar has returned to the scene this time with a much anticipated Rom for our enjoyment. This rom is built from Preview build blobs so it may not be perfect and may contain some bugs, but is said to be stable enough for use as a daily driver. There is an exact install method that needs to be followed so this installs slightly different than other roms so be sure to head to the link below and read the install directions thoroughly before installing.
