Steel Droid Vs. Liberty


Oct 18, 2011
Reaction score
I can't make up my mind which one I want. Anyone have a pro/con list of both?
I can't make up my mind which one I want. Anyone have a pro/con list of both?

What are YOU looking for? What do you want out of/in a ROM? That will determine the best one for you.

Steel Droid is more Blur/Stock Based. Liberty is more AOSP. Liberty has more customizations. Steel Droid has better battery life (according to most)

There are also several other ROMs out there. Maverick (currently on my phone), Eclipse, BioWeapon X, Rubix, Hashcode's ICS. That's not even all of them.

I would read through each ROMs description and decided what you want most.... or just start flashing til you find one you (and your phone) likes ;-)
What are YOU looking for? What do you want out of/in a ROM? That will determine the best one for you.

Steel Droid is more Blur/Stock Based. Liberty is more AOSP. Liberty has more customizations. Steel Droid has better battery life (according to most)

There are also several other ROMs out there. Maverick (currently on my phone), Eclipse, BioWeapon X, Rubix, Hashcode's ICS. That's not even all of them.

I would read through each ROMs description and decided what you want most.... or just start flashing til you find one you (and your phone) likes ;-)

^ What he said...

Liberty is nice and feels more complete (its a port from the Bionic so it is "complete") Steel definitly has better battery life and performs just as well as Liberty (although the UI looks very cobbed if you ask me)

Steel Droid with a good theme is your best bet, unless Liberty gets the battery sorted out, then its a toss up... Personally Im waiting for the ICS build from Hash to be Beta worthy so I can use it as my daily driver