Streaming Webcam on Droid?


New Member
I searched here for an answer, got close, but no cigar....

I'm trying to stream my webcam, along with my home surveillance (cams on front and back door) from my Droid. The webcam is a Logitech, the home cams are the Motorola Homesight (discontinued, but still works).

I used Orb on my BB Storm1 and tried on Droid, got close. When opening either, I just get squiggly lines on some formats within Orb, or "can't play video" on other formats. Also, I download Androrb (nice app), but doesn't give me the option to stream cams, just files from my hard drive. All cams I mentioned are routed through one PC that I'm trying to access.

I don't care if I use Orb or not, I'm just looking for a way to access these cameras. Going on vacation soon, and have hired someone to tend to my pups and would like to check in, as the last people we hired were a nightmare.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)
Checked that out, thanks Conq.

With even more trial and error, I finally got my webcam streaming via Orb. My "Homesight", I think I'm screwed unless I pay a monthly fee thru a 3rd party.

Ah well. I will ramble for a bit though. Having a cam fixed on the front and back door, with whatever system you choose is a great idea. I found this system on eBay for about 100 bucks, it's motion activated, will take .jpgs and/or video clips and will notify you via SMS and/or email when it's triggered.

I purchased this after someone kept opening my side gate on my backyard fence (which is visable from my backdoor cam), one time..allowing my dogs to escape for about 10 minutes. There's a main hub that connects to my PC and saves all video/pics on my hard drive. A few hundred bucks is worth it, in my opinion.
Use VNC to stream web cam

You can use VNC to view web cam.
Install "Tight VNC" on PC
Download "Android VNC" from Marketplace on Droid.
Setup a link using the PC, IP address.
You may have to utilize port forwarding to access your pc through your router but that is simple to do.
Once connected to your PC you can view whatever is currently on your PC screen. So bring up the web cam and turn off or unplug the monitor so that the video is not noticed by anyone.
You can also control your pc from anywhere either with 3g or WiFi with the Droid.
I tried both Remote PC and VNC and ended up using PhoneMyPC. This is the best Droid
App I have. No port firewall issues. Load on droid. Download PC App from site and your done. Controls the pc with amazing speed. Streams video as fast as looking at it in my home. Can control multiple PC...I have access to every pc in my home (can monitor kids on their pc's without them knowing it). I run my camera software on one pc and leave it on while i'm gone. The app even has an option for using the droid as a wireless mouse and keyboard when sitting in front of the computer (great for the living room pc on my tv)