swype keyboard battery drain


Jan 24, 2010
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I downloaded swype to give it a try and I was really enjoying using it until I checked my battery usage. After about 2 hours of normal texting my display was at 35% usage and swype was at 19%! Anyone else have this sort of battery drain with it?
I doubt seriously that swype is to blame. Not sure what you consider to be "normal texting," but I suggest you reboot and try another input method for comparison. And don't overlook the fact that the battery monitor itself may be at fault. I've yet to find one that doesn't get confused from time to time.
Thank for the reaponse. I've used several other input methods since I've had my phone everything from the HTC to the Droid x to the newer 2.2 nex themed keyboards and nothing ever goes above 2-4%. In the 2 hours I probably sent 20 text messages. My brother is also trying swype and his percentage went up to 4% after only a few messages. I should note that I am using the download from droid-life. Could that be the culprit?
After a full day of use I found that swype was actually using more battery than the handcent app it was mainly tied to. I really like this keyboard and would like to keep using it, but I can't allow it to use that much battery. Is there something basic I am missing as to why its using so much battery?
It could be the version that you are using. I know there are a couple version floating around so I would check which one you are using.

Also, I think that sometimes the keyboard will stay open when you hit the home button or switch apps holding hope. For example, you are texting and the keyboard is open, then you switch to another app. If you switch back to texting the keyboard will still be open in that app. I'm not sure if that is causing it but you could try making sure the keyboard is closed when you are done (hitting the back arrow).
Skurvy. I just checked and I am using version I'm not sure if that is a good version or not.

Also I have heard of hitting the back button instead of the home button. Along those same lines, could the keyboard be having trouble sleeping?
Skurvy. I just checked and I am using version I'm not sure if that is a good version or not.

Also I have heard of hitting the back button instead of the home button. Along those same lines, could the keyboard be having trouble sleeping?

I'm not sure what is the right version anymore, I got into the beta. Actually, you should sign up for it. On the site it says that it is closed but sign up to be notified. It took me 2 months but when I got in I told my brother and he signed up and got in the same day. So I think they are giving out betas again. It's worth a shot.

Yeah that would be my best guess, that the keyboard is staying active and sucking CPU cycles when you aren't using it. I would try hitting back to make sure the keyboard slides in when you are done and see if that changes anything. And I would try uninstalling and reinstalling if you can't get into the beta.
Thanks for the advice. I signed up for the beta so hopefully I get in. I'll see I'd I can keep an eye on the back button to see if I can get the percentage back down
After a full day of use I found that swype was actually using more battery than the handcent app it was mainly tied to. I really like this keyboard and would like to keep using it, but I can't allow it to use that much battery. Is there something basic I am missing as to why its using so much battery?

Im still using WVGA854 with Cyanogen 6.0 and Launcher Pro Beta and my battery usage is at 2% and uptime is 68 hours...

Maybe it's the build you are using?
After a full day of use I found that swype was actually using more battery than the handcent app it was mainly tied to. I really like this keyboard and would like to keep using it, but I can't allow it to use that much battery. Is there something basic I am missing as to why its using so much battery?

Im still using WVGA854 with Cyanogen 6.0 and Launcher Pro Beta and my battery usage is at 2% and uptime is 68 hours...

Maybe it's the build you are using?

I was wondering if that was the problem. I am on BB v0.3. I was going to make the move yo cyanogen when his final release comes out. Idk if I can technically ask this here but I will try. Where did you get that swype build from? I would like to download and try it. Or did you get it from the beta?
After a full day of use I found that swype was actually using more battery than the handcent app it was mainly tied to. I really like this keyboard and would like to keep using it, but I can't allow it to use that much battery. Is there something basic I am missing as to why its using so much battery?

Im still using WVGA854 with Cyanogen 6.0 and Launcher Pro Beta and my battery usage is at 2% and uptime is 68 hours...

Maybe it's the build you are using?

I was wondering if that was the problem. I am on BB v0.3. I was going to make the move yo cyanogen when his final release comes out. Idk if I can technically ask this here but I will try. Where did you get that swype build from? I would like to download and try it. Or did you get it from the beta?

No not in the beta but I have access to the builds because of my work.

PM me your email and I will send you the one I have. I also have builds for the N1