Thunderbolt shuts off automatically at night


New Member
May 23, 2011
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Droid thunderbolt:

I plug in my phone before bed to charge, leaving it on so I can wake up to my alarm. It has automatically powered down and shut off in the middle of the night so my alarm does not go off.

This has not been a consistent problem, but has happened about 10 times in the last 2 months.

When this has happened, the battery on my phone has been about 3/4 full before plugging it in at night. The battery is always fully charged when I power it up in the AM after it has shut off

Is there something that automatically powers down the thunderbolt after no activity and fully charged after a certain number of hours? Will it help to have an application running (like an alarm clock) so it doesn't stay fully charged?

Thank you for your help!!
Same Issue

I have had the same EXACT issue with my Thunderbolt. It only seems to happen during the night, and I keep mine plugged in, too, since by the time I get home it's going into battery save mode or if not, it's getting close. I always check to make sure the charger didn't somehow unplug, but nope, the phone is always fully charged and still charging!! I use my phone as an alarm as well. It's especially handy when you travel, but only when it's on for the alarm to go off! I ended up searching through the phone in every place I could think possible to see if there was a setting that turned the phone off when it got fully charged during the night according to the timezone you had it set to. Nothing. Nope. So apparently these phones just do this? If so, thanks Thunderbolt, for making me unreliable. I was supposed to pick someone up from the airport yesterday, but the flight was delayed...told them to call when the flighed ended up getting in, which was more than likely going to be late late at night! Guess who spent the night at the airport because of ME. I'm sure my boss won't give a crap about my phone excuse... Of all nights for this phone to shut itself off..... So if this is a problem and not just a setting, I'd say it needs to be addressed asap, because last time I missed a call, yes I was irritated, but now I see I need to stop into a store for help. I'm sure there are a lot more people who need the alarm and calls at night. I am going to go to Verizon today to see if they can fix it/ show me how to make it stop. I'll let you know how that goes and what the solution was.
2 out 3 nights

I have a brand new Thunderbolt, and it has shut off for me twice in the past two nights. This will get annoying once I start missing work because of my phone shutting off.
Mine has never done this and this is the first I've heard of it.
Went to the store. The Verizon guy said that his has been doing it too. He said that it is not a setting on the phone & he showed me that I had an update available, so we did that. I was in a hurry because I had stopped during lunch time at work, so I couldn't ask more questions. =[ I suppose we will see over time if this helped or not. I'd definately say check for an update in your settings. Even if it doesn't fix it, it is still an update. If my phone shuts off again I will be sure to let you all know.
Thanks for the replies!

I went in and got the update. I have not had a shut off in the middle of the night since.

It seems now that my phone just shuts off and re-boots on its own. I was in the middle of a call today when this happened.

I am going into version today to see if they can help.

Love this phone, but disappointed in how unreliable it is. I am an on call nurse, and I need a reliable phone!!
My husband did the auto update for me 2 weeks ago then all Hell broke loose. My phone suddenly started turning off at random. It does mostly happen at night but does on occasion happen during the day. I might be talking on the phone, testing, checking Facebook playing words, or even watching something. It just up and reboots itself. I have to turn it off and back on most of the time when this happens because then my internet will not work. I have not had a problem with mine not coming back on though.

I went to the store and the clerk acted like I was stupid, said he had never heard of any of my problems. Said all he could do was reset my phone. I stupidly let him. Now after a week it shuts off even more often sometimes 6 times in just one hour. I'm going back on Sunday and get them to either fix it or give me a new phone.

I love this phone and had no real problems with it till my husband updated it. Won't let that happen again lol!
I experienced this as well with the shutdowns. The first mr1 update causing a lot of reboots as well. I can give you some hope though. I'm running the latest mr2 update which should be available OTA soon, and it has been rock solid for me. No shutting off in the middle of the night and no random reboots. For the most part all I hear is good things being reported about this next update. Good luck :)

Sent from my ADR6400L
update: I received my new phone, and it rebooted itself once within the first 24 hours of owning it. It has happened 1-2 times a day since I received my new phone. I complained to verison through e-mail, and they sent me a reply of doing a soft reset, software update, blah, blah, blah.

Thanks for the post perfoliate
mr2 update must be a patch or something coming up soon and available as an update for my phone under settings right?