Thunderbolt vs. Droid X reception

I have ? for anyone who is coming from a Droid X to a Thunderbolt. Has anyone else noticed the reception is worse on the Thunderbolt than the X. At my house the X would have anywhere from -85 dBm to -90 dBm. But with the Thunderbolt it stays at -95 to -100. I really am torn I like the phone way better than the X but where I am at the most I need reliable reception. Does anyone think I have a defective device, poor radio quality, or the antenna design? All input is really appreciated.

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Yes, I do see a difference in reception on my TB compared to my old DX. It's supposed to update automatically with a sin card, but I dont think its working.
mine is consistently showing 2 bars; has been ever since I got it a few weeks ago...sometimes it drops down to 0, every once in a while I see 3, but NEVER a 4. I have had a few times where people have said they called me, but I never got the call, or the missed call...nothing. ...thing is, I downloaded Mobile Signal Widget; set it out on the homescreen and jumps all over the place! One second, full bars, next 1/3, next full, half etc etc... meanwhile, I show 2 bars. ...not that it makes a difference, but I'm running Tesla Coil, with Adrynalyne's 4.3c kernel ...I'm wondering if verizon has some issues going on or something - especially after the LTE outage... any thoughts?