Trying to flash back to stock...from Liberty 1.5/Gingerbread


New Member
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
I was going from Liberty 1.5 to the Blackhat version of Droid gingerbread rooted...that is when the trouble started.. now stuck in boot loader screen
I was stucking bootloader screen, I have been able to get to the bootloader 30.04, have downloaded the correct SBF 2.3.34, I tried using RSD 3.9 through 4.9 with now affect of it picking up up my Droid X.

I have also download and ran Ubuntu (linux) to try and re-establish the software. But that again says it can not find the phone...

I have tried different USB connections, restarts, different computers..both computers are running XP sp3.
But I still getting the same errors on both.

Any ideas?
Sounds like a driver issue maybe? You should use rsd lite 4.9 and it looks like you have the full sbf. Download the drivers (motoconnect) from the moto site again and see if that helps to read your phone. I was just about to jump to gb from liberty 2.0.1. What did you do when you tried this? Just so this doesn't happen to me!

From my Liberated DROID2 at 1.25ghz
I have uninstalled, reinstalled the drivers, they still are not the problem. The steps you should avoid are going to Gingerbread... atleast the rooted version of it without putting your phone back to stock. It seems have blocked access to me getting it reloaded... unless someone has a better idea.
I'm on liberty 2.0.1 froyo now. I heard you could jump right to the leak without sbf and then to liberty gb

From my Liberated DROID2 at 1.25ghz
This is for the dx. I was looking for the d2 ver if there is one

From my Liberated DROID2 at 1.25ghz
There is no D2 Version that I know of. I believe you are stuck with RSD for the D2 and D2G's.