Turning off Droid


Oct 28, 2010
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
So I was considering using my droid as my alarm clock in the morning, but I have heard that if you don't turn your phone off at night while it is charging it is bad for the phone and battery. Any thoughts on this, is it safe to use my phone as an alarm?

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You should be fine as long as your using the stock charger or at the least one that is intended for your phone. It essentially cuts the charging off. When its full if I remember correctly. I charge my d2 all night every night with no issues.

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I know I can charge it all night, its just is it safe to leave on all night?

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Ya you're fine. Since I've had my phone it's been off for a cumulative total of maybe 3 hours.

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You will be fine rememer its not and iphone charger. That you need to worry about catching on fire

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Motorola knows how to do stuff when it comes to charging. It stops charging when its full even if its still plugged in
However you might get a phone call in the middle of the night and... say what was your phone number :)

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I know I can charge it all night, its just is it safe to leave on all night?

Wait... What? Should I be turning my phone OFF at night?
Do you do that?

I don't think I have ever owned a phone that needed to be turned off [ever]. Of course the occasional reboot....
I never turn it off and I usually gust turn the volume off.

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