Unable to send video over text


Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
So I tried to get some help on discussions and nobody helped a brother out. So I figured I would post here since there are some helpful dudes here. I have my ACS fix so I know that is not it and when my wife was stock she was unable to do it either. I have tried stock msg and handcent msg and it keeps telling the file is to large when the video is only 10 sec long. Where am I going wrong?
So I tried to get some help on discussions and nobody helped a brother out. So I figured I would post here since there are some helpful dudes here. I have my ACS fix so I know that is not it and when my wife was stock she was unable to do it either. I have tried stock msg and handcent msg and it keeps telling the file is to large when the video is only 10 sec long. Where am I going wrong?

nornevrder, can you look at the actual file and see what the size actually is?

Edit - just read that handcent does have a size limitation and it is very strict. read that the stock mms app can sent upto 1mb while handcent
's limitation is much smaller.
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Thanx td for the response. So it is pretty much useless? I was trying to send a 3.8 mb and 860 kb.

Sent From The Top Of The World
No sir. Educate me please
Edit- I fingered it out

Sent From The Top Of The World
K so I figured out how to put it in moms format however I cannot seem to find the file anywhere

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