Undo 'Unmount SD card' ?


New Member
Jan 10, 2010
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I accidentally hit 'unmount SD card' and just lost all my pictures. Any idea how to undo that? And get my gallery. :mad:
Hmm.. I was going to say simply remount the card, but apparently there's no button for that. Seems to be a bit of an oversight to me. But wait! there is a way to do it without power cycling. Plug the USB cable into a computer and pull down the notification shade. Select the "USB Connected" button. That will attach the SD card to the computer as a drive. Eject the drive from the computer the same way you would a flash drive, then pull down the notification shade again and select "Turn off USB storage". Voila! The SD card will be back in it's proper place
That's odd. An unmount shouldn't cause you to lose files unless the PC was accessing files or something during the unmount. If files are actually missing you might want to mount and use a file recovery tool on your PC.

Try verifying whether or not the photos are there with a file manager (though they should be in the Gallery if they're there). Power cycling, as mikes suggested, may help.

i just did this exact same thing. i hit unmount sd card by mistake and lost pictures. i don't care about losing the photos, but would like to have the card working again. can i just hit format sd card? that won't make me lose any apps or other stuff, just the already lost pics, yes, no? i just got my droid a few days ago so i do not know what you are talking about above. power cycle, don't know what that is, nor what jimnutt mentioned either. i am a newbie.
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i just did this exact same thing. i hit unmount sd card by mistake and lost pictures. i don't care about losing the photos, but would like to have the card working again. can i just hit format sd card? that won't make me lose any apps or other stuff, just the already lost pics, yes, no? i just got my droid a few days ago so i do not know what you are talking about above. power cycle, don't know what that is, nor what jimnutt mentioned either. i am a newbie.

turn your phone off and back on again is a power cycle.
ah cool thank you that seems to have fixed it.
i just did this exact same thing. i hit unmount sd card by mistake and lost pictures. i don't care about losing the photos, but would like to have the card working again. can i just hit format sd card? that won't make me lose any apps or other stuff, just the already lost pics, yes, no? i just got my droid a few days ago so i do not know what you are talking about above. power cycle, don't know what that is, nor what jimnutt mentioned either. i am a newbie.

power cycle is turning it off then back on, or rebooting
They're all right, but I'm gonna' say it again to clarify: Restart your phone. Problem solved :):)
yep i got it guys, thank you. :)
SDMount from the market place allows you to remount the card without power cycling the phone. One click on the widget and you card is scanned and remounted.
That's odd. An unmount shouldn't cause you to lose files unless the PC was accessing files or something during the unmount. If files are actually missing you might want to mount and use a file recovery tool on your PC.

He didn't lose files, he was not able to access them thru gallery after unmounting it by accident - normal.
Just to put a bow around this discussion, it's important to understand that "mounting" your Droid as a drive on your computer essentially makes your Droid completely ignorant about the SD card. And as I discovered awhile back it's very easy to get the order of unmounting (ejecting) and disconnecting from the PC wrong leaving your SD Card in limbo with neither the computer nor your droid able to manage the SD Card.

As others have noted, rebooting (power cycling) your phone should resolve the issue by putting your droid back in charge. Or you can simply write down the correct procedure for mounting/unmounting and do it right. But I find I can't recall where I wrote it down. :)