Unfortunately Camera has stopped - Nexus 5


New Member
Jan 16, 2016
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Current Phone Model
Nexus 5
I have a problem which I don't know how to solve. It happened yesterday. I wasn't able to open the stock Camera App on my Nexus 5. I'll try to give you all the information I can about what I did up until now.

First all, my phone is unlocked and a few month's ago I had installed elementalx to get better battery management on my phone. Side effect, I couldn't update my phone but I thought it wasn't so bad. Then yesterday I tried loading the Camera app as usual and it just wasn't there. When I tried to opened it with the phone shortcut, I had this error message. Here is the list of what I did since then

-I tried clearing the cache of the app and force stop it

-I tried to disable it and renable it

-I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. I this point I could get into the camera app but only could get the front camera working(the selfie camera).

-I tried to reset my phone but because of elementalx, I couldn't update after the stock reset. I still tried the app and same problem, front camera working,

-I flashed the original image of my phone

-reset again the phone but now updated it to marshmallow 6.0.1. Now I'm back to the first error. The app is installed but no icon to show it and when I try to load it, it says Unfortunately Camera has stopped. I tried installing another camera app and this app shows only the front camera and no option to use the rear camera.

Is there something else I could do or is my camera kaput?

Thank you

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If you returned the phone to stock, elementalx would not be present and your phone should be as it was out of the box..

I suggest you check again to see if a problem does infact exist. If so, you may have a damaged camera.

BTW, your ebay link was removed.
I didn't put any ebay links, must have been a mistake.

So what can I check to see if a problem does indeed exist?

If your phone was rooted and returned to stock everything should work fine.

If you are still getting a camera error, you may have a damaged camera. If your phone is still under warranty, I would contact the seller. If not, try a reputable repair shop.
It.s what i feared. It's no longer under warranty unfortunately.
Have it checked, it may be an easy fix..