Verizon Droid Incredible Wifi Issue - Stuck on Obtaining IP Address


New Member
Oct 19, 2012
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I recently bought a used Verizon Droid Incredible (ADR 6300) that as of today (October 19, 2012) is up to date that I intend to use mainly to run apps and only connect to the internet with wifi. On some open public wifi areas it works. At home I have WEP with a passphroase and it also works. However I am having difficulty with sites that use WPA/WPA2 PSK. I can enter the passphrase and connect, but it displays a message saying obtaining IP address and is stuck until it times out.

I found a suggestion on this or another Android forum that suggested uninstalling doubletwist and disabling fast boot. I did this and went back to one of the hotspots that I got stuck trying to obtain an IP address. It still got stuck trying to obtain an IP address.

Anyone know what is going on and how to fix it?.