Verizon just called to give me free account analysis.

Jonny Kansas

Staff member
Rescue Squad
Jan 21, 2010
Reaction score
Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Current Phone Model
Pixel XL
Just like the title says. He reviewed my plan & would've offered me to upgrade my phone if I hadn't just done so.

Said my average data use is a little over my 2gb plan (that I just switched to to get the note 4 on the edge plan), but he didn't see any overage charges. I used 6gb in September & I explained I did my best to get my money out of my last month on unlimited. I also have an extra GB free each month for, I wanna say, 2 years, so I'm in the clear (thanks in no small part to my 50mbps home Internet).

Long story short, no changes to my account, but wanted to give a heads up/see if anyone else has gotten a similar call lately.

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Not on my end..
I've gotten that call before.. It was just before unlimited data was ended..
I've gotten that call before.. It was just before unlimited data was ended..
Funny. Mine was just after I dropped it. Although, I changed it myself online, so I'm sure that triggered them to call & try to get me to buy more data. I souks be good, but if not, I'm not gonna upgrade & give them more money until I HAVE to.

Sent from my Note 4
Lol, would've been my thoughts too if VZW called me
Come to think of it, pretty sure it's due today, but payday's not til Thursday. I know from experience they don't call that quick though. Haha

Sent from my Note 4