What the volume buttons control


Nov 17, 2009
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I am having an issue I am not sure if it has been discussed yet. I can't find any other threads, so if there are I apologize in advance.

Here is the deal...at some point of using my Droid, the volume buttons on the side of the phone will only change the media volume. If I turn off and turn on the droid then the volume will adjust the ringer volume when not in a media program, such as playing music or a movie. Then, something...an app or who knows, will make it so no matter where I am on the phone the volume buttons will only control the media volume and I want to control the ringer volume.


Anyone else experience this and know if its an app or a bug or a ???
I am having the exact same issue. Did you ever find a solution to this? Anyone?
i believe the volume button control the volume of the media player when its the main app running. but if you have music running and hit the home button to return to the main screen then you can control the ringer volume.
if you're playing some sort of media then it adjusts the media volume.

if you're at your home screen then it adjusts your ringer volume.
Perhaps you are using an app, that you'd want to control the media volume for (music player or game), that when it gets sent to the background (not exiting the app, but you've gone back to the home screen), it doesn't let go of the control. Wait till the problem happens again, see what's running in the background. Try closing apps one at a time and see when the volume control starts controlling the ringer volume again. Just an idea.

EDIT: could be a widget, too.
All solved by a wonderful little app called Quick Settings. Free...absolutely love it!! :) Find it in market:rockon:
It happened to me too.

I just shut off the Droid and turned it back on and now the volume controls the ringer.