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So I am on a Moto X Pure. It came with 5.1.1 and I upgraded to 6.0 with zero issues.
This Friday I did the OTA update to Android 7.0.
Its working great besides 1 issue. I have a car stereo that supports USB Audio from Android. I use a USB cable and plug right into the stereo as it allows...
Hi. The Call Log, if the contact is on my contact list, displays the Contact Name and below the Country/City instead of the Phone Number that was used to call me or the one i called. If the contact is not in my Contact List, it displays the Contact Number and below the Country/City.
Is there any...
AT&T is on a roll over the past few days. They just started the official rollout of Nougat for the S7 and S7 Edge last week and now the LG G5 is also starting to receive the update. Meanwhile who knows when Verizon devices will start to receive their Nougat updates. My VZW S7 Edge is patiently...
Some international versions of the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge have been updated to official Nougat for a while now, and US carriers are finally beginning to jump on board. The T-Mobile version of the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge received their updates yesterday, and now today AT&T is rolling out the update...
The HTC 10 Nougat update was abruptly pulled last week, but HTC vowed to hastily continue the roll out of Nougat. Today they made good on that promise. They confirmed that the ota roll out for the HTC 10 has already started in the UK and will eventually roll out to the remaining regions. You can...
HTC is now officially rolling out Android 7.0 Nougat to the HTC 10. I have not actually used the HTC 10 in quite a while but this update may be enough to get me to pull the phone out of my desk drawer. HTC mentioned the update would be coming soon on November 24th through their twitter account...
The Nougat update is finally rolling out to the LG G5 on Sprint. Sprint is officially the first US carrier to offer the update to the LG G5. The file size is 1.2GB so you should probably download it over wifi. The kernel version will be updated to 3.18.31 the build number will be LS992ZV8. Of...
If it weren't already pretty obvious Samsung will be bringing the Nougat update to their latest devices including the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge. We now have confirmation that Samsung is working on Nougat for the Galaxy S7 Edge. Nougat has been spotted running on the Galaxy S7 Edge on...
The original flagship killer from OnePlus can now run the latest and greatest build of Android. There is now an unofficial build of Android 7.0 Nougat for the device. This is why it is so great to have a phone with an unlocked bootloader if you are going to have a phone for longer than a year...
Rooting Nougat can be a bit confusing. It isn't as simple as just flashing the latest SuperSU in TWRP. If you aren't comfortable with rooting Nougat no worries Wugfresh has got you covered with his latest update to the Nexus Root Toolkit. If you already have the toolkit installed on your PC just...
If you have a Nexus 5 or Nexus 7 from three years ago then you my friend know how to take care of a phone or tablet. One good reason to keep a Nexus device this long is the fact that Google does such a good job of keeping their devices updated with the latest and greatest versions of Android...
Nougat is finally here for Nexus devices, and yes I am aware that we have had Nougat on our devices for months now however we finally have an official, consumer friendly, and stable build! There are plenty of new features, but probably the only immediately noticeable feature is the new lineup of...
Nougat Beta has been around for several months for Nexus devices. It has also been available to companies like Samsung so developers can get it integrated into their skin overlays. Samsung looks to have a pretty good start here. They have officially announced that they will have Nougat ready for...
As far as the UI is concerned the Android N Developer Previews have shown us that we will not get a major design overhaul. There is however one major change to the UI design that we expect to see. A new refreshed Nav Bar is expected to arrive with the first official build of Android N. Leaked...
With Google I/O just around the corner we can expect to see a final build on Android N. For now Google has not revealed a tasty treats name or build number for Android N. OEM developers are already working on their own builds of Android N featuring their proprietary skin overlays. Samsung made...