100,000 Droids Sold 1st Weekend.

Glad to hear that the Droid is such a success. I am curious to hear the final numbers for both Droids from Verizon. I know that every store in my area sold out of all the ones they had. 2 Verizon stores (not corporate) received 30 phones each and sold every last one of them. The corporate Verizon store had "about 100" sold when I spoke to one of the guys there on Sunday. The Best Buy across the street received 50 and sold all of those. So that is over 200 Droids out on the street just in my little area of the world.

Nobody could really give me numbers on the Eris though.
I picked my phone up about mid afternoon on release day at the Verizon kiosk at the local wholesale club. I asked how they were selling and the girl said they had only sold 4 and started with 50.

She did say the corporate store the next town over was very busy but had no numbers.
I picked mine up release day about noon time frame, and they were going out of the store quick. The girl that helped me said she had sold 50 already that morning, and that she came in a 4:30 to get ready for the release rush.
I'd like to see this phone take off, but analysts' comments mean nothing to me. I want to know exactly how he arrived at this number. If Motorola/Verizon won't comment directly, then he's just guessing like every other analyst does and they are more often wrong than right.
All the Best Buys in my area (5 ) sold all their pre-sales out in 1-2 days. I was able to find 1 Best Buy that had 5 slots for pre-order open.
I went into my Verizon store on release day at 10:30 am, and it wasn't packed, but there was a steady stream of people coming in to play with the Droid and check it out. The staff there told me that they got about 80 and had already sold 40 of them that morning. They opened up at 7 am and had a line of people waiting. I got mine and am still amazed at all the stuff it can do so well.
Just bought mine an hour and a half ago. Haven't had much time with it but I'm typing on it now. Couldn't be happier, already love it. The keyboard isn't as bad as everyone says. This is the first qwerty keyboard phone I've ever had, upgraded from a flip phone so after some practice it should be easy. Glad to be one of the 100,000. Love this phone..
Giggity giggity giggity giggity
Busy, but not insanely so....

I wandered by a Verzion store and picked up a Moto Droid last weekend. I was due for a new phone, anyway. I'd say they were busy, but not 100k type busy. Nothing like the iPhone hype/lines that AT&T has seen. We'll have to see how it goes. I can tell from work that there is a lot of interest, as mostly people around here prefer Verizon for the network (not price, but 3G), and when I pulled my Droid out to check the calendar, it pretty much stopped the meeting. Kind of surprised me, I guess a lot of people are paying attention. When I showed them what it did (and I've figured out, oh maybe 5%), after the meeting, sounded like a couple of more potential customers. It sure is a big improvement over my old WinMobile phone. I think probably what's holding back some sales is the moving-the-data over problem, these phones are getting to be like PCs, and if you're moving to Android 2.0 from a Treo or Blackberry or WinMobile, it can be tricky and take some time. I already had Gmail accounts and contacts, didn't really move anything serious, so for me, it took 5 minutes to get the basics moved over, and I think the salesperson was happy to just not have to deal with it.
I'm the only person at my job that has a Droid as I tend to be an early adopter (for bragging rights of course). People are loving this phone. The most jealous, of course, are the iFanboys. They're so surprised at how well this phone works and what it does. I went head to head with one guy yesterday while we were at a Motivational Seminar. We raced to download emails and open attachments, demonstrated multitasking, and web browsing. He was a tough cookie, but in the end, gave props to the Droid. He's a slave to AT&T, so he won't be switching, but he thought the phone was cool nonetheless.

It'll be interesting to see how this goes as time goes on.
There are three people in my department with a Droid now, myself included. In fact, the one person who's not a total geek and hasn't been following the droid for the past month was the first person to get one!
I don't think any Android phone will ever have the hype and lines that iPhone has. Apple is the best company in the world at doing that. However, I will say I was VERY impressed that a phone other than iPhone generated lines! The few people I knew that stood in line to get one said many people were not techies at all, just liked the Droid features.

With so many Android phones coming out the next few months, no one of them being that much better or worse than others and the Droid setting the bar pretty high already, I can't see any other phone drawing as much attention as this phone did, and of course no where near the hype of iPhone.