$15. data plan and other newbie questions


New Member
Oct 20, 2010
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Hello people! I am thinking of getting a Droid Incredible. It seems like there are so many questions. If you can please help me. I am looking to transfer from a Motorola Q9C with Windows Mobile 6.1 on it. I never used a data plan with this phone - I had data blocked and used a wifi card if I needed internet.

1. $15. data plan? Verizon announced there will be a $15. data plan available on 10/28/10. Since I am in wifi at home, office and Church I was thinking I might start out on the $30. plan for a month or so and then switch to the $15. plan and use mostly wifi. My question for you is this: Is there a way to turn off phone data and switch to wifi so I don't blow past the 150mb limit and generate a huge bill? Is there a switch or setting that can turn phone data off and on? I wonder if it is controlled by running widgets and apps (i.e. if you don't have any internet dependant apps or widgets running then you don't have to worry about data). If this is the case then maybe I could set up a profile for when I want to use data that has internet widgets and another profile for when I don't want to use data that doesn't use data. Help me understand how to avoid going over 150mb/month by controlling when data is used please. Also, I am wondering if I get a phone now (before Oct 28th when Verizon introduces it's new data pricing plan) will I be able to switch over to the $15./month plan later? Should I just wait until the 28th to make sure that is an option? http://chicagobreakingbusiness.com/2010/10/verizon-to-offer-15-smartphone-data-plans.html

2. Where to buy? I only need one phone and am re-signing a 2 year family plan. Verizon wants $200. Amazonwireless wants $80. HTC website says free with $50. rebate. Is there any reason I shouldn't use the HTC website to get the phone? Can you warn me of potential dangers? http://shopamerica.htc.com/cell-phones/productdetail.htm?prId=37106

3. Amoled screens? I have heard these phones ship with SLCD instead of Amoled now. Is this a deal breaker? Are the SLCD screens livable? http://www.androidcentral.com/droid-incredible-transitioning-amoled-slcd-touchscreens-month

Thanks in advance for any help!!!
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Hello people! I am thinking of getting a Droid Incredible. It seems like there are so many questions. If you can please help me. I am looking to transfer from a Motorola Q9C with Windows Mobile 6.1 on it. I never used a data plan with this phone - I had data blocked and used a wifi card if I needed internet.

1. $15. data plan? Verizon announced there will be a $15. data plan available on 10/28/10. Since I am in wifi at home, office and Church I was thinking I might start out on the $30. plan for a month or so and then switch to the $15. plan and use mostly wifi. My question for you is this: Is there a way to turn off phone data and switch to wifi so I don't blow past the 150mb limit and generate a huge bill? Is there a switch or setting that can turn phone data off and on? I wonder if it is controlled by running widgets and apps (i.e. if you don't have any internet dependant apps or widgets running then you don't have to worry about data). If this is the case then maybe I could set up a profile for when I want to use data that has internet widgets and another profile for when I don't want to use data that doesn't use data. Help me understand how to avoid going over 150mb/month by controlling when data is used please. Also, I am wondering if I get a phone now (before Oct 28th when Verizon introduces it's new data pricing plan) will I be able to switch over to the $15./month plan later? Should I just wait until the 28th to make sure that is an option?

2. Where to buy? I only need one phone and am re-signing a 2 year family plan. Verizon wants $200. Amazonwireless wants $80. HTC website says free with $50. rebate. Is there any reason I shouldn't use the HTC website to get the phone? Can you warn me of potential dangers?

3. Amoled screens? I have heard these phones ship with SLCD instead of Amoled now. Is this a deal breaker? Are the SLCD screens livable?

Thanks in advance for any help!!!

1. There is a way to turn off data in the settings. You can change to the new data plan at anytime.

2. Well, if you have an issue and want to return your phone you'd have to do it through them, not Verizon. Same issue with Amazon too. I haven't heard of anybody buy directly from HTC so other then that, I don't know.

3. Somebody else will have to answer that, I haven't heard that. But I'm really not an Incredible person, I'm a mere moderator with a D2. So what you say may be correct.
I think the SLCD screens look just fine compared to the AMOLED screens -- I dont think it's a dealbreaker. If it doesnt bother you, that's all that matters.
Ok, I just ordered two Droid Incredibles through Verizon for $377.99. There will be two $100. rebate debit cards that will bring the total to $177.99 or $88.96 each.

Here's hoping these things rock!
And if you find they dont, you have 30 days to return them, as well as the excellent support provided here by my fellow Droid nerds.

Welcome to the forum.