2.3.340 issues


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
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ok. so i rooted my dx the easy way the first time. i used the super one click method. worked great. nice and easy. all was good. then today i got the update. 2.3.340. something told me not to do it but ..... you guessed it. i did it anyway. and now ofcourse i cant get it rooted again. guess im needing some step by step help. any sugggestions. im fairly new to this. or how can i get it back to 2.2 thanks for the help
Look in these forums for an app called z4root. It is another one click app that roots and unroots the x after the .340 update. Its the fastest and simplest way.

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[APP] z4root - xda-developers

There is the link.. You must sign up with them.. Its painless and they have a lot of good info... This should work without issue.. I would un-install everything as far as root apps go and start from scratch..

Let me know..
im already a member. ill try again. and it worked. thanx a mill. now. how do i install a custom rom. still the dx
Sorry for the delay... As fas as custom ROMS go I am not the person to ask about that.. I am currently researching them and their benefits. However I do know that if you are contemplating messing with them you will need to back your phone up very well.. Ie.. Titanium, bootstrapper If you flashed custom roms on your one apparently the X is quite different.