2 contact questions


New Member
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
ok so i have 2 probably simple questions pertaining to the motorola droid.

1) My phone automatically synchs the facebook contacts. One of my friends didnt have his number on his facebook so i had him in my contacts from 2 times one for facebook and one with his number. Now he has his phone number on his facebook so my phone synched his number to his facebook contact and deleted the contact i had for him containing only his number. Say he takes his number off of facebook will my phone return to having him in there twice (1facebook and 1 with just his number) or will i have to notice it and re add his number?

2) One of my friends whos number is on facebook has a 1 infront of the area code. When i texted then i longpressed on one of their messagest sent to me and it only shows area code and number. I accidently hit call and noticed the 1 infront of the area code when it said calling. Does this one affect anything? If i call them will any surcharges appear on my bill or anything?
1) The phone hadn't actually "changed" the contact, it merged them for viewing pleasure so you don't have a ton of double contacts.

2) 1 is just the country code and should have no effect on what you do because it's a U.S number and your call ing/texting from inside the U.S
Thanks so like i said if he takes his number off facebook would it unmerge it so hed be in there twice again or would i loose his number?
It shouldn't remove his number because you have it stored on your phone as a phone contact prior to syncing facebook.
Also for future, if it doesn't automatically merge contacts for you, you can go into the contact press the options button and you should get an option to merge.