2 possible issues with Downloaded Gingerbread

Feb 14, 2010
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I downloaded GB last night and it's working sweet but I have two issues, possibly:

1. There is an icon in my notification bar that looks like 3 squiggly lines just to the left of the 3G icon. Anyone know what that is? I found the icons for GB out there but that isn't listed.

2. The sync notifier is showing that it is syncing even when the radio and wifi are off. Any way to get that to stop witout wiping all data?

I downloaded GB last night and it's working sweet but I have two issues, possibly:

1. There is an icon in my notification bar that looks like 3 squiggly lines just to the left of the 3G icon. Anyone know what that is? I found the icons for GB out there but that isn't listed.

2. The sync notifier is showing that it is syncing even when the radio and wifi are off. Any way to get that to stop witout wiping all data?


Well, here were my solutions:

1. I'm an idiot and that was the icon for Vibrate.

2. I did a factory wipe and it's all better, even though it took a while for all the apps to re-load.

BTW - When I did my factory wipe and the phone booted up and I went through the setup process, ALL of my apps re-downloaded. :heart:
Ok, so when I put my squiggly lines on, it froze my phone. Turned the sound back on, and it's right as rain again. comments?;)

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