3G and Bars stay blue...


New Member
Jul 24, 2011
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My Droid X has gotten a bit better since GB and what appears to may have been some minor updates. I'm even getting great battery life!

One thing though, is driving me crazy... The 3G sign, the dots beneath it and the antennas bars are almost always blued out. I can reboot the device, and they will come up white, then the dots beneath the 3G blue out, The the 3G characters blue out, then the antenna bars blue out.

I can still make calls with no drops, but data then stinks or fails to exist. This has been happening since GB got downloaded. I see it when I reboot it or take out and start using it after it's been in the case.

This happens anywhere and everywhere. My house, my work, other parts of town. And it's a big city so there is lots of coverage. The settings about functions show a fair to great signal. It still happens. A factory reset failed to make any difference and having the data constant update icon (whatever it's called, the second one from the right on the Android power widget) click on or off makes no difference.

Is anyone else seeing this happen? I am I all alone? Am I crazy? Is there a setting I can click? Or perhaps, do I have a funky phone? :icon_eek:

Or is this normal?
you said droid x but I assume you meant droid x2. If thats so I beleive the blue 3g is actually indicating that you have a good data connection. I lost signal for a few hours a couple of days ago and mine was white the whole time. When I got my signal back they turned blue again, I beleive this is normal.

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What I have been told it white 3G and bars mean you have data connection. They go blue when connected to google's servers.

So why do we need to be connected to Google servers all the time? WTF!

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So why do we need to be connected to Google servers all the time? WTF!

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So gmail, contacts, and calendar sync. If it isn't blue you will not be notified of changes nor will any changes made on your end be sent to Google.
So mine are blue all time. I understand the need to check gmail and all, but why does the Linux kernel need it. Gmail and other stuff like LBS are seperate processes. FYI I check my gmail via web browser.

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1. It isn't a function of the Linux kernel and it is not a Linux kernel but an android kernel based on Linux but forked for phone use by Google.

2. It is a test of signal quality. No information is sent. It is simply pinging the server. If that concerns you then you shouldn't use an android phone at all.
You have a point, maybe I shouldn't be!

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