3G Toggle Possible?


New Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Is it possible to toggle 3G off so that it would only connect to phone calls and texts? I am not getting much battery life out of my droid.
apndroid can do this (probably other ones out there that can too)

also, are you using a task killer?
yea switch pro widget toggles 3g on and off, really helps battery life
I am killing the tasks whenever I use them, some of the built in tasks keep comign back though. Also, the widget you sugggested doesn't seem to shut off 3G, it gives me a choice automatic or home.
turning 3g off doent disable internet it just switches to edge and takes longer so you will still be able to go on internet without 3g (just clearing that up)
Try bugless beast and making setcpu profiles

you could also buy a new battery...
If you get bad battery life the first thing you should do is try running without ANY task killers, or cpusetters, etc. Also make sure GPS is off because there was certainly a bug in 2.1 that made the phone not sleep if GPS was used. (It may or may not be fixed in 2.2, I don't know).

If you do all of that and start getting excelent battery life you will have something to think about.

Tip: apps loaded in memory aren't always taking up cpu cycles, and loaded apps don't take up more energy for merely being in memory (opposed to the memory being free), but task killers, etc, usally do run using cpu cycles/battery.

The android OS doesn't work like windows.
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So how can I tell if 3G is truly being disabled? The Icon still appears in the notification bar.
So I tried apndroid but it doesn't seem to disable 3g. It still says 3g in the top right and the internet still works without 3g on.
Ok So I installed switch pro, and suddenly it turned off 3g, but now I can't turn it back on.
What about using the max battery saver profile? It turns 3g off 15 minutes after the screen turns off and turns it back on when the screen turns on.
Could you give us some info on how long your battery lasts? What do you use your phone for? Web, Calls, MMS, SMS, etc....

Some info about your phone usage would help us. Getting 15 hours out of a stock Droid X battery with heavy data usage and many calls is great battery life. I get about 13 out of mine with very heavy use and can not complain at all.