3G vs 4G battery life Galaxy Nexus....


Mar 31, 2010
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I love my Nexus! In fact I am one of the few that left the Razr Maxx for the Nexus! I get great battery life on 3G (14-16 hrs) of steady use but 4G rips through my battery like a hot knife through butter! Why is this? Is this due to the weak signal issues in the Nexus? Will a root and new radio flash correct this? I have never rooted a phone and am a little nervous about doing so although I am somewhat knowledgeable on the subject.
I believe it has something to do with the radios both being on at the same time. This means more power is being used to keep both 3g and 4g radios on at the same time to make sure you don't lose a connection (when you get out of 4g area you switch to 3g one). Also the Nexus has "handover" problems and doesn't establish a good connection (I never experienced this), so that could be due to it.

New radios won't necessarily fix the problem, but there have been numerous reports of improvements for those who choose this route, myself included. I'm already in a strong connection area, but once I flashed the new radios I was getting 4g in places that normally would've switched to 3g, such as in the basement where one of my classes took place.
One big problem on my phone is it gets hot quick

That kills my battery a lot