We've noticed a cool trend amongst many of our forums. Our members are getting focused on staying fit and healthy. Our modern culture is evolving to emphasize the importance of exercise and activity in our daily lives, and that's a good thing!
Luckily, our modern technology helps us take better advantage of this shift in cultural norms. Our smart devices have a number of features and functions to help us stay focused and maximize our exercising efforts. Besides the obvious advantage of the specialized sensors inside our smart-devices, there are a large number of apps which are geared specifically toward helping us organize and track our exercise routines. Some of them even help us with diet and more.
We thought now would be a great time to highlight some of the best fitness apps you can find on both Android and iOS. Here's our top 5 list of excellent health and fitness apps that you can find on either system (most are free, but some have a small fee):
Of course, there are certainly quite a few more apps just like these that you folks might have tried. Be sure to comment below and let us know what you think of any of these, and which ones are your favorites.