5 Thoughts on the HTC Thunderbolt ICS Update (Article)

i personally think that it will receive it .. but i think it will be 4th quarter
I think so too but it's not hard to see that we won't receive it. Desire and TB are similar although the TB has better specs and storage. Tbolt must be the one that separates the old and new in terms of updates when considering hardware limitations.

To add, most curious on what was said when HTC was asked directly via twitter when they said Tbolt owners will get some good news this week.
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Yeah I read those earlier. We are at the end of the month and still no word from HTC. I hit them up on twitter earlier after this article and up till now I have still not yet heard anything.
Yeah I read those earlier. We are at the end of the month and still no word from HTC. I hit them up on twitter earlier after this article and up till now I have still not yet heard anything.

Yeah until they make an official announcement which probably won't be for another week or two, i doubt we will hear any word from them.
Wasn't it supposed to be a partial build of ICS accompanied with Sense 3.6? Tbolt can't even get that?
So many threads on this...

I remember reading a while back that HTC "promised" to give us ICS by either August or September, so there's still hope!
The Rezound just got ICS. I imagine we are just around the corner.
The last Friday of August will be the ICS update. Wait n. C.
The last Friday of August will be the ICS update. Wait n. C.

actually we won't see it til september first or second...pushing it past the q2 deadline
and then we will hear a statement from verizon and htc saying "we did out best".....pffff yeah right