7 Day Battery Life Coming Soon To A Flagship Near You!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Every year we see advancements in cell phone technology. The screens have more pixels than our eyes can see, cameras are approaching DSLR quality, and build quality seems to get better every year. The only thing that has lacked any meaningful progression is battery tech.

There may be a new "fuel-cell technology" coming to phones within the next 2 years that could give your phone 7 day battery life! A UK based company says they have secured a large investment from an emerging smartphone maker who believes in the technology. "Intelligent Energy Holdings" says their tech will allow us to charge our devices once a week. I have a feeling that this would also pave the way for even more power hungry chips and screens. I sure hope this pans out!

Via bloomberg
I have seen other articles online about this possible new technology. Maybe this is the future of battery tech? It's only a matter of time before the current battery technology that we know today becomes obsolete.
This type of tech has been talked about for the past few years. I think the reason manufacturers are dragging their feet with this is because once it's released they know it's going to be a huge blow to them financially. People will then hold onto their devices even longer than they already are. Manufacturers have to try and find a delicate balance with a way to improve overall battery life while also building in some type of planned obsolescence to keep consumers buying their products every 2-3 years and I think batteries have been the last big hurdle they haven't truly wanted to yield to.

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This type of tech has been talked about for the past few years. I think the reason manufacturers are dragging their feet with this is because once it's released they know it's going to be a huge blow to them financially. People will then hold onto their devices even longer than they already are. Manufacturers have to try and find a delicate balance with a way to improve overall battery life while also building in some type of planned obsolescence to keep consumers buying their products every 2-3 years and I think batteries have been the last big hurdle they haven't truly wanted to yield to.

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It sounds like a good theory, but I don't feel like the average consumer pays that close attention to their battery life. From my own personal experience in a few different social circles, it's not uncommon to see people running their phone's battery down to the last 5% on a daily basis.

Smart phone technology does continue to improve, but companies like Apple and Samsung have such a grip (at least on the American market), that all they have to do is put out a new device and people will junk their old one immediately for the new one. Because you're not nothing if you don't have the most RAMz, the newest Wiy Fai, or a 4k SUPER HQL WTFBBQ v2.67 DYNAMIC HD MPE screen.
This type of tech has been talked about for the past few years. I think the reason manufacturers are dragging their feet with this is because once it's released they know it's going to be a huge blow to them financially. People will then hold onto their devices even longer than they already are. Manufacturers have to try and find a delicate balance with a way to improve overall battery life while also building in some type of planned obsolescence to keep consumers buying their products every 2-3 years and I think batteries have been the last big hurdle they haven't truly wanted to yield to.

S5 tap'n
Yea I've been saying that for a while and I still believe it to this day. Battery is typically the thing that makes sensible ppl upgrade to a new phone. 'trendy' folks are gonna get the new one every 8 months. And I still don't think battery technology is advancing all that good as a whole. The only thing is they have quick charge which is force feeding a lotta juice to them. Oh yeah batteries aren't lasting longer either, they're just putting bigger ones in. If anything they are slightly worse due to overpowered cpu, gpu, and 35k ultra platinum screen rez lol.

I await my bashing and criticism now...
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I've actually been looking for a replacement backpack for work and that would be perfect. Thanks for the link LWA! It's hard to find a good looking BP that isn't too bulky, but will still hold my 17" laptop. (Plus charging capabilities) That's a win/win!

S5 tap'n
Good to know. Thanks @Mustang02 . My current backpack has no padding whatsoever, I think if I travelled more I'd definitely want something more substantial in that department, but going from my house to my car to work via a 10 min commute, I don't need much protection. Thats a good looking BP, but the $230 price tag is a bit concerning. Yeah, you're paying a premium for the Northface name, but I like your idea of throwing this
into my current backpack. It's a bit more practical, at least for me. (Gotta save my pesos since I'll be purchasing a couple new S7s off contract in a month or two)

S5 tap'n
That's a sweet bp...just ordered one! Dang, for $46 bucks, I couldn't pass that up. You da man stang...Thanks!
(sorry for the derailment DMX! LOL)

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