A bunch of dead/stuch pixels after dropping my phone.


New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Hey everyone, my name is Katie, and after dropping my phone I discovered an oval-like cluster of black dead pixels on my screen, making little lines and squiggly marks. It's maybe half an inch tall and a quarter inch wide, almost right in the middle. It is really really irritating and I don't want it there at all. I tried to download the pixel fixer app, and after leaving it on for several hours they went away almost completely, but then my phone died and they came back. They seem to vary in intensity, sometimes it is a lot more heavily clustered or in a different shape, sometimes it's very lightly clustered with just a few little pixels. This leads me to believe it isn't hopeless, but I could be wrong. It seems like if it was a permanent problem the same pixels would stay stuck in place without budging.
I can't find any way to fix it, and I've looked all over the internet. I can only find things about one or two dead/stuck pixels that came with the phone, anything about the dead pixels upon impact was just inconclusive. If I missed something obvious, I apologize!
I'd be so grateful if someone could find a way to help me.

EDIT: I misspelled "stuck" in the title, whoops.
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Do you have insurance?
Look on the market for apps related to screen fixers. There are a couple that can fix pixel clusters and other screen issues. Free as well

From my Liberated DROID2 at 1.25ghz
No insurance, that's why I really gotta find a fix myself.
Thanks, I left on pixel fixer all night, they didn't budge. I'll ry again tonight and look fr some other apps.
Good luck, hope it works out for you

From my Liberated DROID2 at 1.25ghz
No insurance, that's why I really gotta find a fix myself.
Thanks, I left on pixel fixer all night, they didn't budge. I'll ry again tonight and look fr some other apps.

If there is "NO Physical Damage" to the phone (the screen isn't cracked and there are no marks on the casing) you could call verizon and just tell them the pixels died.

You then just have to hope they see it as a "manufcturer" defect and you won't be charged $299.

But if you don't have insurance it might be worth the risk.
Try taking your battery out and sticking your phone in the freezer. I recently dropped my phone and this works with my black pixels.